The "old look"
A very early photo of the band in August, 1982, at our second gig
- a church party in Isleton, with TWO electric pianos!
Ken Keeler, Pat Main, Jean Keeler, Marty Main, Mark Giannini, Bruce Stuart
Tom Cantrell, Pete Main.
At our first festival in Jackson, CA, in 1983. In the back row is Dave Radmore on tuba, and Bob Enos (1925-1994) on trumpet. We are now a two bass, two trumpet band.
1984,in the garden at the Pleasanton Hotel, where we played from 1984-1998.
The 8 piece format we continue today.
photo by Dex Reynolds
1985 - An alternate shot for our "Some Sweet Day" album cover,
taking a pose from the King Oliver history.
Bruce Stuart, Marty Main, Bob Enos, Ken Keeler, Pete Main
Mark Giannini, Tom Cantrell, Jean Keeler
1987 - An album cover shot for "DMJB with WALLY ROSE"
Among the vines at the original Cline Winery in Oakley, CA
1989,still in the garden at the Pleasanton Hotel.
We've added Andrew Storar on trumpet, Dusty Short on tuba,
Allan Grissette on drums, Jim Lee - trombone
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